Salmon Fishing
Salmon Fishing in Alaska

Remote Alaskan Fishing for Salmon
Kodiak Island, Alaska is truly a sportsmans paradise. Here at Kodiak Adventures Lodge our fishing is never more than a 10-30 minute boat ride away from some of Kodiak Islands best fishing. We are a fly in remote lodge accessible by a scenic 30 minute float plane flight with Island Air Service from Kodiak City. If you are looking for a truly remote Alaskan wilderness lodge, this is it!!!!
We fish both saltwater and freshwater for salmon in protected Kiliuda Bay.
We have several streams availible to fish either with a fly rod or spincasting rod (whichever you prefer) and never see another fisherman.
We fish full days on the saltwater from a comfortable boat with a maximum of six people per boat. For an even better experience, if you have your own group and book a minumum of 4 fishermen, you will get exclusive use of the lodge and boat.
Trolling for King Salmon Fishing on Kodiak Island

With fishing so close to the lodge and short boat rides you will optimize your time fishing. We troll several miles of shoreline in Kiliuda Bay for Alaskan King Salmon (also called Chinook), Coho Salmon (also called Silver), Pink Salmon (also called Humpies) and Chum Salmon (also called Keta or Dog Salmon) depending on the time of the year. We use Lamiglas rods, Abu Garcia reels and Cannon downriggers. Our tackle box is full of several different types of baits and lures, we are always looking for the hot bait/lure of the week that the fish want. (Salmon can be very fussy and a good charter captain must always have a variety of secret stuff just for those times).
Kiliuda Bay (26 miles to the north of Old Harbor) has some of the biggest saltwater Kings on Kodiak Island. Kiliuda Bay has great bottom structure with lots of feed to hold salmon all year. We fish for King Salmon all season, but late May – early July is the best time for hooking into one of these hogs. If you have never had a “big one” on the line, this is a thrill you will never forget and will make you a die hard King fisherman.

Stream and Saltwater Fishing for Other Salmon
Pinks and Chums come into the bay from offshore later in July and slowly enter our stream system in early August. Coho enter the bay around the last week of August and start entering into the streams around September. Early in this process we troll in the saltwater for these species. As the season progresses (around the first week of August) we can also Petersen Sept. 2012 035walk in and do some stream fishing with either spinning gear and/or fly rods. You do not need to be an expert at either style of fishing. We can help you with all of this.

Wildlife Viewing
While trolling or jigging out of our salmon charter boat in Alaska, we have the opportunity to view many of the different species of wildlife Kodiak has to offer. Blacktailed deer, seals, sea otters, river otters, sea lions, orcas, dolphins, and the occasional breaching Humpback whale along with many different sea birds are just a few of the abundant wildlife in and around Kodiak Island. Kodiak Brown bears tours are always on the agenda while fishing. We see them quite frequently along the shore, hunting for washed up morsels. A great way to safely view these giants for those that are timid about our brown bears.
Walking along the stream banks headed out to fish for Salmon and Dolly Varden with eagles flying above and bears looking for salmon in the streams will be more then exhilarating, photography can actually distract you from your real purpose of fishing. Pinks, Chums, Dolly Varden and Coho are what we seek but picture taking is always around the next corner.

Booking information:
A 50% deposit is required to book all trips unless more than 1 year in advance
If you’re looking for a truly great sportsmans lodge and an Alaska salmon fishing package, whether it is saltwater or freshwater, you’ve got to see Kodiak Island. Most of our packages are combo bottom fishing/salmon fishing trips. Just check out our other pages for Alaska sport fishing packages, what we can provide and our rates.
Best way to contact us year around is:
or you can call Captian Larry from Jan.-April 15th (907) 892-1325 . Leave a message from April- Dec. (there is no phone service at the lodge, but we do check messages and we will call you back within a couple days !!!!)