About Alaska Fishing Destination Lodge

Larry and Shelly Carroll and their boys, James and Samuel, have a passion for outdoor adventures. Their sense of adventure led them to Alaska many years ago.
Larry’s outdoor adventures have included enduring the grueling 1,000 mile Yukon Quest Sled Dog Race from Fairbanks, AK to Whitehorse, Yukon Territories, five times. He has also guided in Idaho, and Alaska for big game. Larry loves to fish and duck hunting is his passion.
Shelly has hunted everything from caribou and bears in Alaska to pigs and goats in Hawaii. She also loves gardening and cooking. Shelly sells her own wild game and fish cookbooks with all of her favorite collected recipes. Check out the Links Page to order a copy of the cookbooks.
The whole family enjoys duck hunting with their yellow lab Thor, fishing, hiking, and camping.