Kodiak Adventures Lodge Rates
Salmon and Halibut Fishing Charter Packages: 2025 /2026 rates
May 25 through Sept. 15 ,
- 3 days fishing/4 nights $4,000 / $4,200
- 4 days fishing/5 nights $4,500 / $4,700
- 5 days fishing/6 nights $5,000 / $5,200
- 6 days fishing/7 nights $5,500 / $5,700
The above listed days are approx. 7-8 hours of guided fishing (approx. 8 1/2 hours on the water).
If you wish to fish the day you arrive, it can be added on to any of the packages listed above. $325 per person for fishing a 1/2 day (4 hours) on your arrival day.
25% discount for children under 16 if they fish.
Non- Fishing Rates
Non-fishing companion $525/day (example: 5d/6n is $2625 +$400= $3025 non fishing total )
Non-fishing children under 12 – $375/day
( $400 additional floatplane charge for non- fishing guests)
Round trip floatplane from Kodiak City to the lodge, remote ocean front lodging, meals, fishing tackle/gear, rubber boots/hip boots, quality rain gear and all fish processing/vacuum packing ( up to 2 – 50# waxed fish boxes for your fish) fishing license and king salmon stamp (filled out after your arrival).
Additional fish processed at $1/pound over 100 lb. per person
Not Included
Commercial Airfare to Kodiak City, lodging in Kodiak City (if you decide to stay a night in town) and alcoholic beverages (can be purchased in town before your arrival). Gratuities
Current Daily Fishing Limits
- 2 Halibut ( one of any size/ one 28 inches or smaller)
- 2 King Salmon
- 5 other Salmon (includes Coho, Pinks and Chums)
- 5 Black Rockfish
- 1 Yelloweye Rockfish
- 2 Lingcod (Starting July 1st)
- 10 Dolly Varden
All the above limits are per person/per day.
Sitka Blacktail Deer Hunts:
- Nov. through mid December
- 6 full days of hunting /7 nights
The rates below are for deer hunting only
2025 Rates: $4,000 / 2026 Rates: $4,200
Hunting Youth under 16 – $3,000 / $3150
Non-Hunting companion is $2,500 / $2,600
Round trip floatplane from Kodiak City to the lodge. Remote ocean front lodging, meals, transportation to and from the daily hunting spot of your choice in the bay, VHF radio for pick up contact. We have an enclosed building to process your trophy once you are out of the field. A winch and gambrel for skinning. A stainless steel table, cutting boards, knives, bone saw and wrapping materials are available for butchering and freezer space is available. Your meat/cape will be frozen and will be put into an airline approved waxed box for your trip home.
Not Included:
Commercial Airfare to Kodiak City , alcoholic beverages and hunting license/tags ($160 non-resident license, $300 per deer tag) .
Our Harvest limits for Sitka Blacktail deer at the lodge are:
Residents 2 deer, Non residents -1 buck. We sell non-resident deer tags and licenses at the lodge.
(we encourage the harvest of mature bucks as we believe in quality deer management).
See bottom of this page for deer/fishing/sea duck hunting combo packages !!!!

Fully Guided Sea Duck Hunting on Kodiak Island:
2025 Rates – 2 person min. / 4 person max.
- October 8 through January
- 3 days hunting/4 nights $3,200
- 4 days hunting/5 nights $3,700
- 5 days hunting/6 nights $4,200
Round trip float plane from Kodiak City to the lodge, remote ocean view lodging, meals, guide, boat/layout boat, shotgun, hip boots, dog, decoys and processing /boxing of all birds ready for airline travel.
Not Included
Commercial airfare to Kodiak City, alcoholic beverages, license, Federal duck stamp (State duck stamp and shells available for purchase at the lodge or buy them in town, same price) and chest waders.
Sitka Blacktail deer hunts with fishing and/or sea duck hunting as a guided add-on. There are no unguided duck hunting or fishing options.
6 days in the field/7 nights lodging
Base price deer only is $4,000 for 2025
Includes/Not Included
(Same as the Sitka Blacktail deer hunts listed above. )
We offer 1/2 day (4 hours in the field, 5 hours lodge-to-lodge) fully guided fishing or fully guided duck hunting as an add-on option during your deer hunt. This is paid for after you arrive and have decided what day you want to do fishing or duck hunting
Note: During this time of year we fish for Halibut, Black Rockfish / Yellow eye rockfish and Pacific Gray Cod.
Note: Ducks we typically see are Harlequin, Black, Surf and White wing Scoter, Barrow and Common Goldeneye, Old Squaw, Red Breasted and Common Merganser, Mallard, Vancouver Canada Geese, Greater Scaup. All depending on the time of your hunt.
Add-on 1/2 day price is per person for 2025/2026
- $500 if only one person goes
- $350 p.p. if 2 people go
- $300 p.p. if 3 people go
- $275 p.p. if 4 people go (max.4 people for duck hunt)
- $250 p.p. if 5-6 people go (max. 6 people for fishing)
We sell state duck stamps and one day fishing licenses at the lodge. You will need to bring a federal duck stamp with you.
We would love to do a custom package for you if you don’t see what you are looking for. Please contact us and let us help you design your next adventure!
Booking Information
Best contact is: info@kodiakadventureslodge.com
(907)-892-1325 April 15th- Jan. 1st . We do not have a phone at the lodge so please leave message and your email address and we will get right back to you by email.
Office phone:(907)-892-1325 or Cell (907) 355-7248 Jan. 1st – April 15th
All bookings require a 50% deposit unless more than 1 year in advance.
Note: We recommend travel insurance for those that have health issues or anytime you are booking and cannot absorb a loss of your trip due to issues out of our control. (Weather, plane delay, family issues, accidents.)
We do not offer refunds for delays beyond our control or loss of days due to those delays.
Please contact us for any additional information you may need.